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4th retake with 1 absent test

hichipmunkhichipmunk Free Trial Member
edited February 2020 in General 24 karma

I registered for my first lsat, but I got into a minor car accident (I live in a metropolitan city and was walking.. then got hit by a car.) But it was nothing serious just that I had to go to the ER to do some checks.

Unfortunately I couldn’t make it to the test center and it was marked as absent. 3 months later, I took my second test, which was really disappointing. I'm registered to take it again on March, but I was trying to consider my options if I didn't get my target score on March.

So with my LSAT history being:
June 2018 - absent
Sep 2018 - disappointing score
Mar 2020 - will take

do you think it would be okay to take my "fourth" lsat if I don't get my target score in March?


  • lexxx745lexxx745 Alum Member Sage
    3190 karma

    Plenty of people get into great law schools with four or more takes. Law schools are inclined to take your highest score, but I think the more you take the worst it will look (altho not a lot)

    Like someone with an ideal score one take I think always looks better than 4 takes. But the difference between 3 and 4 takes is so minimal I think you will be fine.

    More so, you should work on really improving, and make sure you are confident you CAN get the score you want this next take

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