PTB.S3.Q12-- rationales for punishing crime

DarklordDarklord Alum Member
edited March 2020 in Reading Comprehension 586 karma

Would anyone be able to explain why the answer here is B instead of E? I couldn't find any direct evidence showing how E is wrong




  • ArturoRolArturoRol Alum Member
    61 karma

    I think E might be incorrect because it says the second rationale inherently “allows” more lenient punishments. My understanding is that both the social benefit model and the retributive model probably have the same pool of penalties to pull from; in other words, when a person commits a crime, probation all the way to life in prison could be available in a sentencing spectrum to both schools of thought. It’s just that the sentence actually chosen will differ depending on whether the decision maker takes a retributive approach (resulting in a lighter sentence) or a social benefit approach (resulting in a heavier sentence). I think B addresses this because it discusses the inclination that the retributive approach has towards lighter sentences rather than what E is getting at—the idea that the retributive “allows” more lenient punishment, which goes against there being the same sentencing options available to both approaches.

  • ArturoRolArturoRol Alum Member
    edited March 2020 61 karma

    Perhaps if E had said “It is inherently inclined to favor more lenient punishment than the first rationale” then I think it would be correct.

  • ArturoRolArturoRol Alum Member
    edited March 2020 61 karma


  • DarklordDarklord Alum Member
    586 karma

    Ok thanks!

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