Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Question on "always" - 7Sage Forum

Question on "always"

I have a question regarding a potential "Most strongly supported" question that may have an answer choice with the inclusion of "always". For an example: Lets say that in a stimulus, it reads "I eat pies on Wednesdays." If one of the answer choices was-- I "always" eat pies on Wednesdays, would that be correct? Even if it "always" is not stated in the stimulus, should that be implied through appropriate reasoning?


  • Confidence150Confidence150 Alum Member
    1417 karma

    I believe "I eat pies on Wednesdays." cannot be supported by the answer choice:"I always eat pies on Wednesdays." Always is an indicator with a strong emphasis and there is a set schedule for eating pies on Wednesdays. With "I eat pies on Wednesdays," it isn't clear if the pies are eaten every Wednesdays and a bit vague on how often the pies are eaten on Wednesdays. It may be eaten on some Wednesdays and it may not. There isn't a set schedule.

  • EveryCookCanGovernEveryCookCanGovern Alum Member
    401 karma

    That could be a correct answer. It depends on the remaining 4 choices and what they are. MSS questions require us to make assumptions, so being able to assume a conditional relationship between Wednesday and eating pies will depend on how supported and reasonable the other ACs are.

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