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Seeking study advice: Starting my retake and reapply journey!

aheartofsunshineaheartofsunshine Yearly Member
edited April 2020 in General 7 karma


I am looking for some study advice after not getting into my target school this cycle. I have already taken the LSAT twice, once in October and once in January. I scored a 157 and 156. I was PTing higher at around 162, with a few at 164 and 165. I had a lot of test anxiety and the second time around had a RC experimental section, which is my worst section. Two RC passages killed me :( Unfortunately I burned through A LOT of PTs without doing proper blind review (I hadn't heard of that method yet) and didn't have good organization. I haven't studied in almost 4 months and I honestly don't have track of what PT's I've taken, because I went way overboard on the timed sections.

I've read all of the Power score Bibles and have completed one of their online courses. The last few weeks of my studying I stumbled upon 7sage and really liked the methods and the online format however didn't have much time to use it. My goal score is high 160's, as my target school's median is at 168. Sometimes I don't know if it's even possible for me to get my LSAT that high. I'm sure like many of you, I get frustrated because I feel like I study a tremendous amount, yet do not see the gains in my score. Just looking on some guidance on how to spend my upcoming time. My goal date is September, however that is flexible. I thought I'd work through the course material, but am wondering how often I should do a PT? or how much time I should spend full proofing games? I would say LG is by far my best section at around -2 average, however every once in awhile I come in at -5 or -7 which significantly reduces my score. Any guidance is much appreciated! Thanks!


  • Confidence150Confidence150 Alum Member
    1423 karma

    I would recommend taking a practice test or sections each week to see how you are doing. Make sure to review the practice tests and sections afterwards. Keep track off missed questions and try to note any patterns in missed questions.

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