T3 Waitlist - Past Successes?

lsatchanceulsatchanceu Free Trial Member
in General 15 karma

Hey guys! Hope you are safe and healthy.

I am waitlisted at a T3 school. I have scoured archived Reddit posts, Spivey’s site, 7Sage, and countless blogs. I am basically trying to get a sense from individuals who have been in a similar situation and come out successfully of what you did to better your odds.

I know the basics of sending a tailored, to-the-point LOCI. However, on other things like phone calls I am less clear. I know that with phone contact less is more, however given that visits are unavailable it seems making at least one phone call attempt may be a good idea (and this school seems okay with that, based on their available waitlist information).

I am also considering an additional letter of recommendation as well as an LSAT retake. I know there are numerous things one can do, but I just wanted a general sense of someone’s “playbook.”

Also, please let me know the nature of the correspondence, when you were waitlisted, and when you were finally accepted. Thanks!

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