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Strengthen and Weakening questions are one of the four pillars of modern LR. I am going to share how changing my mindset and process helped me go from being a very average test taker who was often down to 2 answer choices ( and always seemed to choose the wrong one or change on BR) to mastering these questions.
I want to enable you not only to get these questions right more consistently but also to help you find the right path to taking control of LR and your testing experience. If you have struggled with these questions or felt under-confident during LR, please join me on Saturday!
Zoom Link to be posted shortly!
Kimberly Delano is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: My Meeting
Time: May 23, 2020 07:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 776 956 6542
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I will be there. Looking forward to the Zoom Link.
Thanks Jeff! Looking forward to meeting you!
So excited for this!!!
@"Princess Carolyn", Thank you very much! I am too
Really looking forward to this, thanks a lot! What would you classify as the three other pillars of modern LR?
I would love to watch this but I cannot during that time. Is there anywhere/anyway you might post this for access after the zoom meeting?
Looking forward to this!
The pillar classification is actually Powerscore's idea, and one I totally agree with. They classify the 4 pillars of the modern LSAT as: Assumptions ( necessary/ sufficent), Flaw, MBT, and Strengthen/Weaken.
I would strongl agree that to do well on LR, these are areas that you want to be rock solid on.
Look forward to this!
Looking forward to some insight.
Definitely interested!
Interested, thanks so much!!
Interested like the rest of my fellow Sagers! Looking forward to it.
Hi Everyone! The link is posted above, looking forward to seeing you tonight!
7:30 pm Eastern or Pacific time? The post says both, thanks!
@FindingSage HI there, I just wanted to check with you. Did you do the meeting, I tried to log on and nothing happened. Idk if this was a problem on my end. Did you by any chance recorded it?
Hey Jeff, No I didn't record it actually. We discussed a few questions towards the end and I didn't want to take any risk with LSAC. Alot of people attended so not sure perhaps there was an issue that I didn't know about? I enjoyed this so will consider doing another webinar if people are interested. Maybe not on strengthen/weak necessarily but I could also do a webinar on other areas people need help with.
@FindingSage Well, that is very unfortunate. I really wanted to hear your thoughts and strategies on Strength/Weak Q's. I was really looking forward to it.
I will keep an eye out for your future webinars. I need all the help I can get.
I am so sorry Jeff! I will also consider doing a future webinar on strengthen/ weaken again as well. I truly had no idea so many people would come.
Thank you to everyone who attended the webinar tonight! I was both shocked and truly flattered at how many people joined. I apologize for some technical issues, first time ever hosting a zoom meeting. I hope people enjoyed it and found some strategies they want to implement into their prep.
Thank you, Kim! You were thorough and clear in your explanations. Thank you for taking the time.
Also, to piggy back off of this thread...
Please email me if you're interested in starting a reading comp study group like Kim mentioned during our call.
I don't get the notifications for these things. Is there a recording?
Thank you so much for doing this, Kim! Very grateful to you for sharing your suggestions for helping us improve!
Definitely interested! will email in a sec
@pvlsatpv Thank you so much for coming and your kind words! I have tried a few different study groups now and they basically fell apart because people were not consistent. For me, part of the silver lining of Covid-19 is that I am now spending the time that I would have spent commuting to work studying for 1-2 hours every day. I will PM you about the group in case timing may be good for you as the group is still fairly small. But if timing doesn't work for you and you end up forming your own, I would be happy to join you guys for a session or two if you like.
@dburgin14 - there is no recording. I have seen some of the Sages hosting webinars and they are not recording ( presumbly because questions are being discussed in detail and no one wants any issue with LSAC) so I followed suit. I may consider doing another webinar on strenghten/ weaken or possibly another area of the LSAT that people need help with. @Hopeful9812 - thank you so much for coming! I wish I had the "silver bullet" to share with everyone that would make this test so much easier that it is but changing how I approach the test, even with it being a lot of work, has made so much of a difference for me. I am not the same test taker I was 6 months ago, even 2 or 3 months ago so it really is worth it.