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We’re doing another round of early-bird enrollment for our Law School Explained courses.
This time, enrollment will be open for one week, from Monday, June 1 to Sunday, June 7, for the following courses:
All courses are still in progress, and the price differences partially reflect the extent of their development. Cumulatively, we’ve produced over three dozen video lessons and over twelve hours of audio lessons, and we’re working around the clock to add more. New lessons will automatically appear in your course as we complete them. We expect to finish developing these courses later this year.
Many of you might not be ready to divert your attention from the LSAT, so rolled into this launch is an extra-long access time of 24 months. This way, you can be reasonably sure that you’ll still get to use the course when you’re ready for it, and that it will be complete by the time you do.
After June 7, enrollment will be closed until we complete more content.
@J.Y.Ping when will Civil Procedure, Legal Writing, Research and Writing be available?
Also, I already bought Property, will i be able to just buy Criminal and Tort individually? #help. #admin
@J.Y.Ping, I bought property too when you opened the early enrollment for property last time. Could I need to pay $29 for buying property again in order to get the additional property courses? Thanks!
@Jeff---- We haven't settled on a date yet, but we'll probably open them this summer. Yes, you ca buy Crim and Torts individually.
@Alice003 you don't need to purchase Property again! New lessons will continue to appear in your feed as we complete them.
Who is the target audience for these courses? Are they designed for people still deciding if they want to go to Law School to better understand what they will be studying? Accepted students (or those applying) to give them a head start in 1L? Etc.
I love the content this site puts out! I just want to have a better understanding of their primary purpose before committing. Thanks!
We didn't try to target an audience. Instead, we tried to just explain as clearly as we could the legal rules, doctrines, and cases that you would encounter in most 1L classrooms.
Say you're a 1L, then I imagine this would be helpful to clarify your current courses.
Say you're a 0L, then I imagine this would be helpful to give you a leg up for the fall. Going through these lessons before you start law school means that during your 1L semester you can focus on the nuances of what your professor thinks is important. (That's really important for 1L grades.)
Say you're not even sure about law school, then I imagine this would give you a peek into what it is that you'll be dealing with in your 1L classes. This might then help you make a decision of whether you want to pursue law.
Hi just wondering if this is Canadian or American law?
Just purchased them as soon as I possibly could! Thank you!!
@J.Y. Ping and @7sage
Just here to say that I think you guys are so freakin AWESOME!! I'm so glad I found this source and will probably be using it for a long time (LSAT Prep, 1L prep, and BAR practice)!! Love that you guys are doing this, and for such an affordable price. I can't wait to see my LSAT scores go up finally! Have been studying since my freshman year of college (when I decided I plan on doing law), and have been getting an average of 148 repeatedly with no improvement. BUT I think with the analytics helping me identify my weak points, and ALL OF THE VIDEOS EXPLAINING EVERY QUESTION will be extremely helpful in making this score higher.
I just purchased Tort and Crim Law - I had already previously purchased Property.
Thank you so much J.Y. for making this happen!
@nicklebackforever American law
Unlocked all 3, keep ‘em coming! 💸
This early-bird enrollment is fantastic. The Property course has been excellent thus far and I am sure these will be exactly the same. Thank you JY!
thanks a lot 7Sage!!
How complete or incomplete are each of these courses? Since you are still adding videos to certain sections, I'm wondering if the videos that are currently available (purchased version) are sufficient to help a 1L with their 1L year.
Thanks 7sage!
When's the expiration date of the course? Is it the same date as my LSAT Prep purchased before?
@lsatgodjk You can see how much we've completed here:
Even even on a free account, in fact, even if you're not logged in.
@daigu917 "24 months of access" from when you enroll.
Hi J.Y.,
I am very much interested in these courses. But do you mind sharing some information of those teaching the courses?
@Dkimvisionmaker11 Of course!
Crim - Prof. Daniel Epps of WUSTL
Torts - Prof. Daniel Hemel of UChicago
Property - Prof. Rick Su of UNC
Thank you! I am curious about those who teach the rest of the courses that are available in the site. I do think it's a fair piece of information to have available on the website since instructors are often one of the most important considerations when choosing a course.
When is the next time these courses will be available for purchase?
@schmidtc26 Maybe later in July or August? We haven't decided yet.
These videos are incredible! Any idea when the Civ Pro course will be updated? I could really use it!
Hi there,
Sorry, we do not have an estimated time for the completion of the Civil Procedure Law School Explained courses. We’re still working hard to complete the Lessons, and we will email you when we have more news about this.
Hi, these courses are showing as not available when I try to purchase. Are they no longer available for purchase?
Hi there
Sorry, the Law School Explained courses are not available for sale as yet. We’re still working hard to complete the Lessons, and we will email you when we have more news about this.