Study Schedule - Help Please!!!

LawHokageLawHokage Yearly Member
in General 129 karma

Hello 7sagers!

I've recently started studying for the LSAT and with a low diagnostic score of 140, I have created a time - line for myself to study for at least 6 months - 1 year, in order to improve to a 170. I do realize that a 30 pt jump is incredibly rare, but I am the type of individual who has never been naturally talented, but rather was able to succeed because of my work - ethic. I ended high school with a 2.1 GPA and now towards the end of my undergraduate career, I've maintained a 4.0 GPA at my university, which I accredit to my work - ethic.

I wanted to reach out and ask the members of 7sage about how to approach preparing for the exam. I have purchased various course material that I want to use, but I do not know the best way in tackling the various LSAT prep material that I have compiled for myself. I am currently studying the LSAT Trainer and using the 8 - week plan listed on his website, which I plan to have finished by the end of this July. I also have purchased the PowerScore Bibles, as well as the 7sage course in order to help improve my score, but I do not know how to incorporate both of them into my study schedule, after completing the LSAT Trainer.

Beginning in August, I will be able to transition fully into the 7sage CC , after completing the LSAT trainer, but I also would like to complete the PowerScore Bibles as well. I wanted to know how to tackle the situation, since I plan on taking the LSAT in December as a flex, and taking it again next June to apply for the next cycle. I would truly appreciate any feedback provided and would be extremely grateful for the help that I receive!

*I also study for 25 - 30 hours a week, as it was recommended by anyone trying to seriously improve their score and take a day off to prevent burn out.

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