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PT18 S4 Q19

marco.delgmarco.delg Alum Member
edited July 2020 in Logical Reasoning 44 karma


I answered this question correctly but approached the stimulus differently than J.Y. I interpreted the part that says “who receive unsolicited advice from someone whose advantage would be served if that advice is taken” to be a description of the kind of “people” the stimulus is referring to. Therefore, I teased out the logic in this way:

People (who receive unsolicited advice from someone whose advantage would be served if that advice is taken)

Interest NOT coincide → Regard advice with Skepticism



Therefore, I approached the answer choices in this way:

A – Even if the interest of H and F do not coincide, the stimulus does not suggest a rejection;

B – Perfectly resembled my interpretation since S and R “NOT IC” then R should not reject the least expensive models. So, he must be skeptical about S’s advice;

C – In this case M and Y interest coincided so it did not trigger my conditional;

D – In this case S and R interest coincided so it did not trigger my conditional;

E – Even if we can infer that M and J interest did not coincide because M wanted to purchase a more expensive fish while J wanted to sell her a cheaper one, in no way we can conclude that M should follow J’s recommendation, so “NOT SK”.

What do you think?

Thank you in advance to whoever is going to answer.



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