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Taking August LSAT Advice (Flex takers)

fox...11fox...11 Alum Member
in General 50 karma

Greetings everyone,

For those who have taken the LSAT or plan to take the LSAT in August, I'm around 65% into the curriculum starting In/Out and grouping games then reading comp. then PT's... Should I start a few PT's now even though I am a couple weeks away from finishing LG and reading comp?

Also if anyone wants to drop tips from the Flex test that would be super helpful, I've heard some common issues in different threads.


  • tmizzledtmizzled Core Member
    edited July 2020 45 karma

    Yes, grind those PTs at this point. My biggest leaps in score was by grinding PTs. Depends on how you score on your LGs on whether you should finish that section or not. If you're not doing so hot, finish LG too. To be honest at this point, you won't really be able to make any radical change in your reading comp because that section is by far the least learnable. Maybe take a look at the section focusing on how to tackle RC questions, but outside of that with a time crunch its better to move on to PT. Focus on maximizing your LR and LG. I was in the same boat as you, barely even looked at RC curriculum but I was able to score nearly a 170 on the June Flex just by maximizing LG and LR (on PTs I got about -2 on each). Not optimal, but it works I guess. I'd still recommend blind reviewing RC as well as looking at explanation vids for RC from your PTs though , could give you a little bit of an edge.

    As for the LSAT flex, I scored right near where I was on my PTs, so I think you shouldn't have to worry too much. The system is pretty efficient and usable, I'd imagine you'd probably score near your PTs as well.

  • fox...11fox...11 Alum Member
    50 karma

    @tmizzled thank you for the insight! Glad to hear you were able to score near your PT's on the LSAT flex by leveraging LR and LG, best of luck to you moving forward.

  • mmacnamara21mmacnamara21 Core Member
    48 karma

    @tmizzled when you were doing PT's leading up to the test, did you do them as LSAT flex or regular 5 sections?

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