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Mimicking LSAT-Flex testing conditions?

lisabelle306lisabelle306 Core Member
in General 22 karma

Hello! I’m slated to take the August LSATFlex, and wanted to see from anyone who has taken the Flex or otherwise how I can best mimic the testing conditions for Flex? I want to mimic testing conditions as close as possible so as not to be unnecessarily thrown off on test day.

I’m thinking of taking the second LR section in a PT on 7Sage (by looking it up beforehand) as a warmup drill the day before, and then just doing the three sections one after the other immediately the following day. Any other thoughts? Thank you so much in advance!


  • jegosi215jegosi215 Member
    97 karma

    I would recommend just doing all 4 sections to increase stamina. It can only help

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