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emli1000emli1000 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
in General 3462 karma
I know that study for the LSAT can be a struggle. It can take everything you have and even at times you may feel like you no longer want to do this. Because everything in your personal life + studying is starting to add up and it'll make a lot of things change. Some may need encouragement to continue grinding for whatever their end goal may be. Maybe a 170+ but in the process you may lose sight because you aren't reaching your goal, or nowhere near that score. And that is okay because you can't blame anyone but yourself when things don't go right. It's important to have that type of mentality especially during this time of your life. So I speak for myself and everyone else who sometimes get carried away by a score or for how certain situations play out in one's life. If anyone is going through a situation where they want to give up, I want you take some time out and thoroughly think through it.

I also want to recommend for everyone to read "Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story" by Ben Carson it will really change your perspective in life.


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