Cannot Be True. PT28.S1.Q11#Help

popcorn11201popcorn11201 Yearly Member
edited July 2020 in Logical Reasoning 44 karma

Hello. I'm having trouble wrapping my head around why the correct answer choice is A. The second sentence of the stimulus says that NO OTHER ORGANISM has a greater resistance to cancer than sharks. Answer Choice A states that "no organism resists cancer better than sharks do, but some resist cancer as well as sharks." This is true according to the analysis given for the second sentence in the stimulus, and therefore it does not match the question stem criteria of selecting an answer that could be true EXCEPT.

Consequently, I don't understand why answer choice B is incorrect.

Admin Note:


  • SSBM1000SSBM1000 Member
    edited February 2021 614 karma


    The second sentence actually says that sharks have a greater resistance to cancer than any other organism, hence why answer choice A is correct, since it's impossible for there to be an organism that is just as resistant to cancer as a shark.

    Answer choice B is incorrect because it talks about the percentage of cartilage that an organism has, while the stimulus only talks about the ratio of cartilage to body mass. Having a higher ratio of cartilage to body mass compared to all other organisms doesn't mean that organism has the highest percentage of cartilage out of all organisms. There could be an organism that has a higher percentage of cartilage than a shark, but the ratio for their cartilage compared to their body mass could still be smaller.

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