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November study buddy(ies)

Hello all!

I am very interested in having a study buddy or buddies for the November LSAT. If interested, please feel free to message me!

A little about my LSAT journey, strengths, and weaknesses:

Started studying back in 2017. Started with a 130, ended up only scoring highest 146 on the actual LSAT in college. Most of this was due to not giving myself enough time to actually understand everything and just rushing through the process. Fast forward to over a year later and I started studying again. I decided to do TFA (so teaching is currently my full time job). I just took the July flex and got a 156!!!!! Super excited for this score, but I want to get into the 160s (preferably 162+) due to wanting $$$ for schools.

I am entering my 3rd year teaching, so my job constraints may play a role on how much time I can give to the LSAT everyday, but
since I am off Saturdays (duh!) I typically take those days to study all day. I would want a partner who is the some boat as myself working full time, or someone who is understanding of this.


I am excellent in games. Timed I usually vary from -1 to -5 (trying to currently FP LG 1-35 atm)
I am so-so on LR and RC. LR has gotten better (can do typically -7 timed). RC is for sure a toss-up. I am very well versed in government, criminal justice, social issues, and economics. So that is when I typically shine in RC. Science is for sure not my strong suit, and typically my biggest weakness in all of the LSAT.

Trying to tighten everything up and would love someone on a similar journey as myself! Like I said above, please just message if you are interested!

FYI: I am in Central timezone, just as a heads up if you are in another timezone!


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