"The statement above, if true, most strongly support which one of the following?"
I can never tell if I should answer this as a strengthening question or as a MSS question. Could someone better explain how to approach this type of question stem?
@emli1000 Seems like a classic MSS... a twin of "Which one of the following is most strongly supported by the statements above, if they are true?" given in the 7sage question stems for MSS.
If the correct answer choice is supposed to support the stimulus, then it's a strengthen.
if the premises are supposed to support the correct answer choice, then it's an MSS.
In this case, we're being asked about a situation where the "above" statements (aka the stimulus) supports one of "the following" (aka the answer choices). Hence, MSS.
If the correct answer choice is supposed to support the stimulus, then it's a strengthen.
if the premises are supposed to support the correct answer choice, then it's an MSS.
In this case, we're being asked about a situation where the "above" statements (aka the stimulus) supports one of "the following" (aka the answer choices). Hence, MSS.