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Specific Study Question Technique

lobell79lobell79 Alum Member
in General 146 karma

Noticing that some people will do a lesson question before viewing JY's explanation. Some others do not. I'm not talking PT's and full sections, just the individual video explanations prior to the Problem Sets.

Is there a 7Sage preferred method here, or pure learner preference? I am vacillating!

So much great wisdom floating around here! Thanks!


  • lexxx745lexxx745 Alum Member Sage
    3190 karma

    What do you mean a lesson question before viewing the explanation? What is that referring to?

  • kelly_9876kelly_9876 Core Member
    144 karma

    Are you referring to the questions throughout the CC which JY explains? Then yes, I would click "quick view" and attempt the question first before watching the explanation video. I found I wasn't actively engaged in the explanation video if I didn't attempt it on my own first. And instead of passively absorbing JY's advice I would be proactively listening for the necessary steps/hints.

  • lobell79lobell79 Alum Member
    146 karma

    @lexxx745 & kelly_9876-
    Thanks to you both for answering the distress call! apologies if my terminology was less than descriptive.
    By 'lesson question' I mean the short video explanations for specific problems before the Problem Sets in the CC where JY walks us through the correct thinking to the correct answer ( and why not the incorrect answers).
    I understand from Kelly that trying them first, before viewing the explanation, is what helped her.

  • CSieck3507CSieck3507 Member
    1376 karma

    My recommendation is solving the question at hand, BR the question and maybe right down your thought process on why you chose your answer choice. Then, if you got the answer right, you can still watch the explanation video to see if your thinking was the same as JY. If you got the question wrong, watch the explanation and see where you went wrong. What I do is if I got the question wrong even in BR, I'll watch the explanation and then click on the "Note" tab at the bottom left corner. Throughout the explanation I write down what my thinking process was and then write JY's thinking process. I then pin that question that I got wrong so I can create problem sets with other questions that I pinned.

  • lobell79lobell79 Alum Member
    146 karma

    just found this! and thank you- have not used the note tab much yet! Excellent suggestion. Still learning my way around this world. Truly appreciate the community.

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