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LR by Question Type-Untimed Drills

miriaml7miriaml7 Alum Member
edited August 2020 in Logical Reasoning 1026 karma

LR has been one of the hardest sections for me to get a solid understanding of. I went back through the CC and redid all the lessons on conditional logic and it helped immensely. Since then, I have been going back through the different question types in the order of the CC syllabus. I have printed out problem sets by question type from PTs1-35. I do try to add variety to my problem sets. For example, I'll do 10 strengthening, 10 MBT, 10 SA , 5 SA, and 5 MSS on one day. I have been doing all these problem sets untimed. I will spend as much time as needed to answer the question. Once I am 100% confident, I will go ahead and check the answer. If I get it wrong, I write out a detailed response on why I got it incorrect. I have found that my accuracy and speed have started to get better with 1,2, and 3 star questions. However, the 4 and 5 star questions take me a long time. I can spend upward of ten minutes on a single 4/5 star question. I have found that the language of the stimulus for a 4/5 question is incredibly convoluted. At this stage, should I drill 4/5 star questions? How do you get better with these harder questions? For those who have done untimed drills, at what point did you start to incorporate time? Finally, how would do you determine whether or not you're ready to drill full LR sections?

Thanks in advance!

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