Accidentally hit command-space during LSAT-Flex...

ashhh313ashhh313 Member
in General 52 karma

I wrote the LSAT-Flex on August 29th and was using the command-F feature during the RC section (I use a Mac). However, I'm used to hitting command-space to search things up on my laptop when I'm studying and I accidentally hit command-space instead of command-F during the exam which searched my entire laptop... I realized quickly and closed out of it and was too scared to use command-F after that. Do you think I will have any issues with getting my score because of this/should I do anything about it? Now that I've written the exam I can't help stressing over these little things! I don't want something like this to mess up my scores ahhh and I'm scared I'll get flagged because of this... would appreciate some opinions on if I should do anything

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