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Prepping for Flex LSAT November 2020

Hi everyone,

As the November LSAT will be offered as a FLEX test, would it be best to continue taking four-section PrepTests, or would it be best to switch to taking the three-section Flex tests?

Alternatively, would it be beneficial to do a mix of four-section tests and three-section tests (i.e. two of each per week) as opposed to exclusively taking one or the other (or taking mostly one type but taking the other type once in a while)?

I understand that it's important to simulate actual test-day conditions as accurately as possible, which I think is the main advantage to switching to the three-section practice tests. But the advantage that I see in taking the four-section test is that it includes 2 LR sections, which means more LR practice (although I suppose that I could take the three-section test and save the second LR section for another time).

Thanks in advance for your suggestions and good luck to everyone in all of their endeavors!

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