Looking for Tutor - BR is 172+ but Timed PTs are 158 average

seanrowlandmseanrowlandm Alum Member

Hello 7Sage community! I am a full-time worker and I have been studying for the LSAT for 6 months now. I have a pretty solid foundation with BR scores ranging between 172 - 177, but I am having trouble translating that performance to timed sections. I consistently feel behind and slow. I am typically not even looking at 6-7 questions on both LR and RC. I am improving on LG with recent timed sections at -4/-5. Still work to do to get to -0, but it is an improvement.

I am currently PT-ing in the high 150s (average is 158). I am targeting 165+ and would appreciate having a tutor help me develop strategies to get there. I know I can do it, I just need some guidance along the way.

I am in Chicago (Central Time) and am available before or after work (before 9am and after 5pm). I am scheduled for the October and November exams and am highly motivated to meet as often as possible to improve.

If anyone is out there scoring 165+ (hopefully in 170s), please DM me. I am happy to get together over Google Meets or whatever is easiest. Thanks!


  • Juliet - Student ServiceJuliet - Student Service Member Administrator Student Services
    5740 karma

    @seanrowlandm said:
    Hello 7Sage community! I am a full-time worker and I have been studying for the LSAT for 6 months now. I have a pretty solid foundation with BR scores ranging between 172 - 177, but I am having trouble translating that performance to timed sections. I consistently feel behind and slow. I am typically not even looking at 6-7 questions on both LR and RC. I am improving on LG with recent timed sections at -4/-5. Still work to do to get to -0, but it is an improvement.

    I am currently PT-ing in the high 150s (average is 158). I am targeting 165+ and would appreciate having a tutor help me develop strategies to get there. I know I can do it, I just need some guidance along the way.

    I am in Chicago (Central Time) and am available before or after work (before 9am and after 5pm). I am scheduled for the October and November exams and am highly motivated to meet as often as possible to improve.

    If anyone is out there scoring 165+ (hopefully in 170s), please DM me. I am happy to get together over Google Meets or whatever is easiest. Thanks!

    Hi there,

    We have a list of approved private tutors here: https://7sage.com/discussion/#/discussion/comment/68763

    This is our required disclaimer: Please note that 7Sage takes no responsibility for anything that happens during these tutor sessions. We are unaffiliated with these tutors, and do not receive any commissions or kickbacks from them. We are not vouching for them in any way other than we expect they would make good tutors. To become a tutor, you must be either a ⭐️ member or a Sage and be approved by 7Sage staff.

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