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Embedded Conditionals

rguy1111rguy1111 Core Member

Hey everyone, I just completed the advanced logic lesson. Most of it made sense, until embedded conditionals.... Reviewing the intro to logic section. 7Sage said they are very rare but very hard.

I am just curious, how hung up should I get on the embedded conditionals stuff ? I suppose as it is the hardest logic lesson I shouldn't be so down about not having it stick after only a day or two of reading the advanced section. But that being said. I have watched the advanced logic section a couple times now, at this point I feel like I am just wasting time ! I am not trying to sound pompous but thus far nothing has ever really made me feel this stupid before and it has me questioning my whole study study plan.

Should I just forge ahead and hopefully this stuff will click with more time and practice/following more along the core curriculum ? In all honesty I am only shooting for a mid 150 range score, Is embedded conditionals worth stressing over ?

Other then that, If anyone has any advice or extra material on this stuff I am all ears. Thanks !

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