troubled by my prep test timed + BR scores?

kilgoretroutkilgoretrout Alum Member
in General 795 karma

hi all. i've been studying full-time for this test since april. my diagnostic was a 150 and after all these months my average is hovering around a 159. in fact, it's been hovering around that since i finished the core curriculum and i haven't really seen any improvement. the thing is that recently my BR scores, which earlier would stay the same or be BELOW my timed scores, are skyrocketing. my BR score went from 160, to 165, to 169, to 172 just now. this is a pretty big disparity and i'm just confused as to why my timed scores are still bouncing around from 157, to 161, to 158, etc. i was told earlier that scoring high during blind review is good because it shows your potential/how much you really understand the test, but i'm starting to wonder how effective it is if my timed scores aren't budging. i'd appreciate any insight on this.

just as a note, i think a 159/160 is a good score, but given my low GPA i need to be in the high 160s to get in anywhere. thanks in advance.


  • motximotximotximotxi Member
    88 karma

    this is what progress looks like, hopefully with the right techniques and lots of practice you'll start to incorporate the things you know and show to know in BR during your timed sections. only luck could have gotten you to know during the PT what you didnt know during BR.

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