179 LSAT 3.48 GPA splitter... $$ chance at T14?

Hello everyone! 7sage calculator/predictor is pretty (overly?) optimistic on my chances for admission in most T14s (except Y/S). Admission odds aside, do I stand a chance of scoring a decent scholarship from some of these schools? I'm scared some of these places will balk at my GPA. Non-URM, 3+ years of corporate work experience, interesting softs.


  • shonakinzelshonakinzel Member
    edited September 2020 9 karma

    Yes, you are literally in the top 0.1% of test takers of course you'll have a high chance of admission. Even at HYS, shoot your shot wherever you are interested in attending!

  • pawman96pawman96 Member
    22 karma

    @shonakinzel said:
    Yes, you are literally in the top 0.1% of test takers of course you'll have a high chance of admission. Even at HYS, shoot your shot wherever you are interested in attending!

    Thanks for the vote of confidence! I don't know, I'm a naturally pessimistic person I guess... Better to be surprised than disappointed

  • lexxx745lexxx745 Alum Member Sage
    3190 karma

    I think you definitley will get into a t14. With money? idk

  • VerdantZephyrVerdantZephyr Member
    2054 karma

    I am sure you will get some amount of money somewhere in the T14 unless you have an awful application. I do not know how much money you will get. I am worse off, 2.5ish GPA (but grad degree with 3.9ish) and with average PT at about 175. I am applying knowing that, as of now, a 177 is probably the realistic best case scenario I can expect. I am hoping to address my RC main point deficiency and that doing some of the curriculum the next few weeks will give me a bit of a consistency bump to LR and make a 178-180 possible. If I exceed, even with the poorer uGPA, I expect schools to offer me some money, though maybe not the money I want. Having been out working for a few years will help. Nailing your application will as well. I would hope you would get at least a few 50% offers if not 75-full. I really hope it is the second, because that would mean I at least have a shot at 75-full. Duke/NU/UVA/UM scholarship dreaming here.

  • pawman96pawman96 Member
    22 karma

    @VerdantZephyr said:
    I am sure you will get some amount of money somewhere in the T14 unless you have an awful application. I do not know how much money you will get. I am worse off, 2.5ish GPA (but grad degree with 3.9ish) and with average PT at about 175. I am applying knowing that, as of now, a 177 is probably the realistic best case scenario I can expect. I am hoping to address my RC main point deficiency and that doing some of the curriculum the next few weeks will give me a bit of a consistency bump to LR and make a 178-180 possible. If I exceed, even with the poorer uGPA, I expect schools to offer me some money, though maybe not the money I want. Having been out working for a few years will help. Nailing your application will as well. I would hope you would get at least a few 50% offers if not 75-full. I really hope it is the second, because that would mean I at least have a shot at 75-full. Duke/NU/UVA/UM scholarship dreaming here.

    You got this! Best of luck.

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