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Study Abroad Undergrad "can't" process transcripts?

So I'm trying to send my transcripts to LSAC. I studied abroad in the UK so I'm trying to get that uni to send my transcript to LSAC but on their website it says that due to the pandemic they're unable to provide authenticated copies for the time being.
Is anyone else having similar problems? I emailed them asking how I should request my transcript then but honestly I have no idea what to do about this.


  • Following. Been to Finland for a semester and they turned to WFH since the campus is closed. I contacted both the LSAC and the uni. The uni attempted to send an Email to the LSAC but LSAC does not accept.

    LSAC representative told me that if the uni in Finland still cannot mail the transcript, I need to confirm if they can use an electronic exchange system for transcript delivery. LSAC has a list of four service provider in their page about the transcripts. And if unfortunately the uni do not use that service, the representative told me to call in LSAC to inform them that and the LSAC will assist us in coping with this.

  • rpark1027rpark1027 Member
    45 karma

    Glad to know I'm not alone! I'm really surprised that wfh has rendered all transcript & certificate services impossible. It's a relief that the LSAC is willing to help us out, thanks for the valuable info!

  • hellsat..hellsat.. Core Member
    24 karma

    OMG!!! I had the worst experience with LSAC. it took me 7 weeks now but finally they uploaded them. I studied in the UK, they gave me a lot of wrong directions and often staff didn't know what to do.

    This is how it worked in the end:

    -every time I called, I asked to speak to a supervisor. every time I emailed LSAC info, I put 'SUPERVISOR ATTENTION' in the subject line

    -I made a digitary core account, then sent the link to my transcripts to my university, then the university forwarded the link to a JD transcripts email address:

    -then LSAC said my docs had a password, which they didn't, so more of the supervisor attention business..

    GOOD LUCK!!!

  • tcurie96tcurie96 Free Trial Member
    6 karma

    It seems that there are a lot of problems with foreign transcripts. I'm an international student and my school had sent my transcripts at the end of august through fedex, and I received a confirmation of delivery on august 24th. However, they still weren't processed 4 weeks later, and they admitted that they had lost my parcel when I called yesterday. I was able to speak with a very helpful LSAC representative who told me the school could send them again by email and that they would get processed right away since they were at fault. Still waiting to see if they'll hold on to that promess though.
    Anyway good luck to you all in this cycle !

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