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LSAT flex test-day logistics

spinosanspinosan Alum Member
in General 187 karma

for anyone who has already taken this thing, i just wanna make sure i have the right idea about what this thing is gonna look like come test day (this weekend):

So all we do is log on to the proctoru site, when the countdown reaches 0 click to enter our "test room," have our gov issued id on us and paper nearby for the games section, and listen to the instructor from there, correct?

Anything i'm missing?

'Preciate any feedback!


  • kilgoretroutkilgoretrout Alum Member
    795 karma

    Yes that's all you'll need (plus writing utensils, maybe water). You'll be asked to show your ID to the camera and to take a photo of your face, then your proctor will write all of the room scan/body scan instructions to you in the chat box. You'll have to read something aloud before you start the test, too.

  • spinosanspinosan Alum Member
    187 karma

    @kilgoretrout thank you! you just helped alleviate a lot of test-day nerves for me

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