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mhf.andrewmhf.andrew Member
in General 207 karma

Hi, all. I am just curious about a particular type of visualisation. We are all familiar with the idea of drawing diagrams for LR questions, and the necessity of competent diagramming for LG. But one thing I have never head discussed is this: when people read a text they will, or they will not, make an internal image of what is being stated. It is not necessary to do so to understand the meaning of a given passage, yet certainly for any novel, and for many other mediums, doing this provides a richer aesthetic experience, and perhaps might even result in a more clear understanding of the text.
So here is the general questions: does anyone think that constantly visualising nearly every image on a RC or LG passage to be a benefit?


  • dazedandconfused-1dazedandconfused-1 Member
    258 karma

    I always visualize when I do RC and LR. I don't think visualization is necessary for LG because you're doing all that on a scratch paper.

    I'm not sure if it's to my "benefit" per se, but I do think that's just how I comprehend passages, being a pretty visual learner. I'll imbue anthropomorphic qualities into night owls when I read about them in LR, I'll think about my professor calling out bullshit when I read a flaw question, etc etc...

    I think for RC, more so than LR, I try to link up what I read in RC to what I already know. There was a passage about Toni Morrison/Duke Ellington, so I'll think about "beloved" or "take the a-train" cause i like them both. There was a passage about Estonia and tax and stuff like that, so I'll think about this one friend I have from Estonia and picture him being disgruntled... idk if it totally helps, but at least it helps me stay engaged.

  • mhf.andrewmhf.andrew Member
    207 karma

    Yeah, I think engaged for RC hits the mark. Visualisation potentially keeps people engaged, and given the length of RC, disengagement can be a serious liability. It's not that the picturing in itself elucidates, but I think it is more likely to keep a reader awake at the wheel.

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