Question Regarding Flex Format/UI

nmeghrounibrownnmeghrounibrown Core Member
in General 64 karma

Hello Sagers! I have a quick, possibly trivial question regarding the online UI for the LSAT Flex that maybe someone who took the August exam could help me with: Is there a way to mark or blank out answer choices as eliminated when taking the test online?

I find this feature super useful when going through 2 or.3 answers with the fine-tooth comb after I've eliminated other choices. Wondering if I should continue to use this feature on 7Sage or get used to taking practice exams without it. Thanks!


  • jgodelmanjgodelman Member
    51 karma

    Yes you can. I recommend testing out a preptest on lawhub, it's the exact same format as the flex. Very different visuals and for me it was a big deal switching from 7sage to the lawhub interface without ever seeing it before when I took the August exam, but for others it didn't matter.

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