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A year plan, advises, chat

rqun3737rqun3737 Alum Member
in General 97 karma

Hi everyone. I think I couldn't catch up this cycle. After five months study, I got 157 on the Aug lsat. Normally, people encourage me to take the next one in Nov or Dec. However, I am also a CS master student who has a extremely heavy workload. It's impossible to handle schoolwork and LSAT at the same time. Also, this is my fifth year of leaving my home country. I've been stayed in my apartment alone since the covid-19, not only I have to prepare LSAT, but also I need to deal with the psychological pressure.

But I am not giving up my law school plan, it's just not the right time to fight for it. But I don't want to waste these several months (assuming I take the next LSAT in Sept or June in the next year). RC is my worst part. Apparently, I am not a English speaker. Just wonder if anyone had the similar experience or has any suggestions? Maybe some helpful books (related to RC topics) to read?



  • LogicianLogician Alum Member Sage
    2464 karma

    Hey there, sorry to hear you’re putting your LSAT journey on pause, but sometimes life happens and you have to prioritize that first and foremost. I’d recommend getting an economist subscription and reading science articles from science daily or scientific American. Good luck!

  • VerdantZephyrVerdantZephyr Member
    2054 karma

    @Logician gives good advice. Don't sweat it. I think studying for the LSAT while in any masters program would be a lot for anyone, but especially a second language speaker. No worries, to be honest, you'll be a stronger applicant with a year of working after your MS anyway. Keep at it, get your score into the 160's and you should be a strong applicant next cycle.

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