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Help! ED advice :(

So, I submitted my application to Vanderbilt. A week later, I emailed admissions and asked to be considered for ED because I truly thought they were my first choice. I just got my acceptance to GW, and I'm not as certain anymore about Vanderbilt. Would it absolutely kill my chances to rescind my early decision application now? Would I look indecisive (which I totally am), or would it not matter that much?


  • LogicianLogician Alum Member Sage
    2464 karma

    Hey there,
    First off congrats on getting into GW! Generally when you apply ED it means you’re extremely interested in attending that school (it’s you’re first choice). So I do think withdrawing your ED app would signal some form of indecisiveness.

  • Libby DayhuffLibby Dayhuff Alum Member
    34 karma

    Thank you! Honestly, I am a very indecisive person, but I'd rather adcoms not know that lol.

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