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Trying to get those last few points

wilsonnnwilsonnn Member
in General 65 karma

Hey Sage community, I'm looking for some advice to shave off a few more points, and hopefully start to wind my long LSAT journey to a close. I have been studying since mid-January and went from a diagnostic of 137 to a current average of 156, with BR being in the mid 160's. I am really proud of this jump and plan to study for as long as it takes to average in the low-mid 160's. I feel really close, but I still need to shave off a few points in all areas. Flaw questions are my worst in LR and analyzing phrases in the context is my worst for RC, so if anyone has advice in these areas it would be appreciated. When it comes to LG i'm still really slow and often miss five or six questions but get them all right during BR. I'm wondering if I should go back and do some more drilling for speed, or if that will just come with more PT's and confidence?

Any advice, success stories, or words of encouragement are helpful! Thanks in advance.


  • LogicianLogician Alum Member Sage
    2464 karma

    I'd go back and keep foolproofing games, those extra 5 or 6 points would put you very close to your target. In terms of LR really try to analyze the flaw questions in BR, break them down to their barebones so you can really understand the flawed argument without getting bogged down by the fluff. The flaws are also repetitive, so the more you do the better you'll get at detecting them. Really ask yourself why the conclusion does not follow from the premises you've been given, what bad assumption is the author making? these are the questions you need to ask yourself. For the phrases in RC look for the functional effect of the phrase, why is the author saying this? is it support for his argument? is it an analogy? a counterexample? pay attention to the few sentences before and after the phrase and try to discern the overall function of the paragraph- this will leave you much better equipped for these questions.

  • wilsonnnwilsonnn Member
    65 karma

    @Logician thanks so much for this. All really helpful advice I’ll try out!

  • VerdantZephyrVerdantZephyr Member
    2054 karma

    I agree with @Logician If there are still points to make up in LG and on LR keep at it. You can definitely do it. That score jump is absolutely something to be proud of.

  • wilsonnnwilsonnn Member
    65 karma

    @VerdantZephyr thank you!

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