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Proctor U account

sheridjwsheridjw Alum Member
in General 936 karma

I just received the email regarding sign up times for the November exam. I wanted to test my computer but i need to make an account first it says. I went to do that and it asked for an institution, does anyone know what to put for this? Does that mean your college? I also saw and LSAC option so i was not sure what to pick. Thanks!


  • I saw the LSAC option as well but when I selected it and tried to create an account, there was an error message that stated "Law School Admission Council (LSAC): This Institution does not permit creating a ProctorU account. Please navigate to your course Learning Management System for scheduling and rescheduling ProctorU reservations."

  • legallytiredlegallytired Member
    442 karma

    if its your first time taking the test, when they send out the email the day that registration opens up (oct 29th) they will have instructions for you with how to make the account. when i took it in august it was my first time, and they sent me a temp username and password to set up my account and then register for a time slot

  • sheridjwsheridjw Alum Member
    936 karma

    Great, thanks so much! @legallytired

  • julianmdiamondjulianmdiamond Core Member
    edited October 2020 7 karma

    I didn't get any email about sign up times. Can you tell me what the sign up time is? Thanks

  • sheridjwsheridjw Alum Member
    936 karma

    Yeah for sure. The email says sign up times begin at noon eastern time on Thursday the 29th

  • 1952 karma

    lsac will create the proctor u account for you (with the email address that you use to log on to your lsac account). you don't need to create a new account.

  • julianmdiamondjulianmdiamond Core Member
    7 karma

    Thank you. Just one more question though. When you log on to your proctor account do you see any mention of the approaching test? My account is telling me that I do not have any exams scheduled. Thanks again

  • sarahj888sarahj888 Core Member
    5 karma

    ^ when you log in to the temp proctor U account, you will choose a test day and time slot for your LSAT Flex.

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