LSAT Flex Horror Story - Tropical Storm

kaityjaukaityjau Alum Member

On Sunday, of all days, a tropical storm hit my neighborhood. On the first two sections of the LSAT my internet kept disconnecting, losing me precious time on LR and RC. I am already panicked and, not having a proper flex experience, my electricity turns off (including wifi). I had to break policy by reaching for my phone to connect to my hotspot and report to my proctor. They said I should be fine to take another November date but the LSAC personnel said to wait a few days for options.

Do you think I should go ahead with the writing portion at least? Also if they only let me redo the last section and not the prior 2 (which I would rather just redo it all due to complications) or cancel to instead take the January exam, which do you think is the better option? Please lmk!


  • Daniel SimonettiDaniel Simonetti Core Member
    74 karma

    Im sorry to hear about your situation! I would advise you to do the writing sample regardless of the outcome. You just have to do the sample once, might as well get it out of the way to take some stress off your shoulders. With regards to canceling, that is a really tough call. You should wait to hear back from LSAC before making any concrete decision. I hope everything works out for you, best of luck!

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