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November Flex AAR

canihazJDcanihazJD Alum Member Sage
edited November 2020 in November 2020 LSAT 8486 karma

Was on the fence about taking it as I’m not PTing in my desired range, but since I already have multiple scores and still have 3/5/7 takes remaining, I decided to give it a shot in the hopes of being able to throw some apps out before the new year.

Diagnostic 154. Current PT average 171. High PT 174. Target score 174+.

RC - LG - LR

RC - indians, paintings, info on the internet comparative, punishment

A little on the harder side but nothing crazy. Least confident section. I normally do -0 on a good day, -2 average. 8 minutes left starting round 2. I did my due diligence scouring for topics... read up about acoustic separation, alain locke, values theory, harlem renaissance, sericulture, ethics of lying in government, club cells... I pulled none of those lol. That strategy worked for me in the past as far as topic familiarity, but not this time, oh well. I always try to adopt a "read to learn" mindset, but am typically unsuccessful on PTs... this was no different. Something to work on if I do another retake.

LG - ingredients, theaters, piano? lessons, last one I think was an auction but I could be making that up.

Easier... on a 1-10 I'd say 4, most confident section. 10 minutes left going into round 2 with everything answered. Two of the games had a certain type of question I wasn't expecting on a flex test and almost gave me a heart attack, but I'm not holding any grudges. LG was my last section to get comfortable with. I'm -0 to -2 here typically. I feel like I only got there in the last couple months. This is one of those I'll be kicking myself over if I don't get my score, as it will have been a waste of an easy section.

LR - Just slightly harder than average. One weird stem, not a 80s PT feel... maybe mid 70s? Struggling to recall any topics. There were two fill in the blank questions... one about some kind of power plant construction being delayed. I average -1/2 but can go to -4 on a bad day. Was at 10 right at 10 min and finished round 1 with about 9 minutes left. Still a bit rushed but I got to give everything flagged another look. I noticed my analytics were prioritizing weaken questions, so I tried to work on those these past couple days. In the podcasts, there's an episode about transforming weaken questions to RREs. I've heard it a few times before and listened to it on my run. JY says it (transforming weaken Qs to RRE) probably won't be too helpful, but is a good exercise... well for some reason I found it actually helped a lot to kind of tweak how I was approaching those harder weaken questions. I haven't sat down to articulate exactly why to myself yet, but give it a listen if you haven't yet. This turned out to be great as I'm pretty sure there were more weaken questions than usual. Edit: oil/skin/acid, cannonballs, liquid water on planet, fuel additives, plato/poe quote.

Flawless ProctorU experience finally. Hoping this is my last time.

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