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SinghE660SinghE660 Core Member
edited November 2020 in January 2021 LSAT 34 karma

Ive written the LSAT before and scored a 150. I am writing in Jan 2021. Last time i studied, I felt like I knew the concepts decently well. I was pting about 160 and even got up to a 168 at one point. But I was being very lenient with my self on time. Come test day I completley freaked out and my anxiety took over me resulting in a 150.

I am BR-ing at about 160 currently. Its taking me some time to refresh some concepts in my mind but I am not necessarily worried about knowledge. I am looking for some help with strategies to deal with the timing aspect of it and not freaking out. Even when I sit down for practice tests I get super anxious and I can't think straight, let alone get through a test. Any advice would be super helpful! :(

For reference, I reside in Canada and have applied to Canadian law schools. My gpa is solid so I really only need around a 160 to get into the schools of my choice.

LG I would say is my strongest.
LR is decent, average about -7
RC is my worst. I have thought about just doing the three passages and trying to do them well ensuring i get the most possible questions correct and then if theres time remaining make educated guesses on the last passage. I would do this to make sure im doing the passages with the most questions first, and with the assumption that im doing well on my other sections. Do ypu guys think this a good strategy or do you have any other tips?

Any help is greatly appreciated!! :)

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