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Conditional Logic: Flaw Questions

miriaml7miriaml7 Alum Member
edited December 2020 in Logical Reasoning 1026 karma

Does anyone happen to have a list of LR questions that include conditional logic flaw in the stimulus? I'm trying to get better with recognizing when the main flaw has to do with conditional logic. I ran into question 18 from section 3 of PT 31, and the stimulus includes conditional logic. I was able to make a conditional logic chain and I was forcing myself to look for a flaw in the conditional logic. It turned out that the flaw had nothing to do with conditional logic. Instead the flaw in the stimulus dealt with a part to whole error. This isn't the first time that I try to force the conditional logic flaw, so I'm planning on drilling this weakness. However, I would greatly appreciate having a list of questions with conditional flaw. Thanks in advance!

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