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I'd like to be a part of a Study Group

earnestm2002earnestm2002 Member
edited December 2020 in Study Groups 5 karma

hey Im Ernest Im kinda in the same situation ID like to be apart of the study group! How will one know when the grp is meeting.


  • LivinLaVidaLSATLivinLaVidaLSAT Alum Member
    719 karma

    Search the "Study Groups" discussions. Most welcome new people. The scheduling of meetings is usually down outside this forum through some type of group chat such as groupme.

  • This_is_HardThis_is_Hard Alum Member
    815 karma

    Hi Earnest, welcome to 7sage. Try going solo, study groups are sometimes toxic, especially most self made ones. There are the ones led by tutors/ high scoring sagers that are more professional. I'd highly suggest those ones as they are better run by people who have credibility and there's somewhat of a schedule to follow and a point to the lesson.

    Otherwise, the self made groups in my opinion/experience might do more harm than good and in the end may be a waste of time. If you look there are tons of threads made that sound like this: "lets form a study group for JAN LSAT", "Study Group for Accountability", etc, there's like 10+ people that respond. Idk about you, but in my experience when 10+ random people get together virtually and there's no set agenda, things can get pretty toxic fast.

    I seem to be one of the few who is vocal about the downside of this though, so who knows maybe my neurotic self is just wrong about it.

  • Ashley2018-1Ashley2018-1 Alum Member
    2249 karma

    I recommend getting together with one to two people max! If there are too many people, it can get disorganized quickly! and I've gotten ghosted so many times on this site for study groups lol so I second the comment above me!

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