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Sorry, last minute I know... just decided I needed to get one done. But if you were looking for something to do or just so happened to be working on it, feel free to join in for a section or three. This will be the flex version. 5pm EST. Last 5 - 177, 174, 172, 176, 176.
Zoom link courtesy of @sckelly
Topic: 7Sage BR PT70
Time: Jan 7, 2021 05:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 933 8357 3355
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Cool, I've only done the games, so this is an awesome op to do all sections. Are we just going to bounce thoughts on here? Or some other chat/channel/video call?
Maybe a discord? Does 7 sage have one?
zoom has been working fairly well, or google meetings as a backup.
I'm interested
kk,I guess you'll add the details to the top of the post?
i will also join for a bit
I'm down to join!
I just took the PT, hoping I can come tomorrow. Are you planning on LR or also RC?
I'd like to join as well! I also have a school Zoom if that's still needed.
I'd like to join as well! I've already taken the PT and BR'd a while ago but I'd love to join in and refresh my thinking by listening in.
Hope to see you there! We can do whatever people want. I ended up with nothing flagged for LR so its all gravy to me.
I think people tend to prefer zoom, so if you want to create an invite and post it here, I'll put it in the OP.
As long as work doesn’t end up too busy I will be there. I flagged one or two of questions on LR and same with RC. So similar as you I am flexible on what we go over if I come.
Topic: 7Sage BR PT70
Time: Jan 7, 2021 05:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 933 8357 3355
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+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 933 8357 3355
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Down to join again! Looking forward.
Sweet, I'll do the exam now. See you in a few.
I'll be joining!
Thanks for the great call everyone. See you next time!
@canihazJD Good session! Almost twins on the score
The only question on RC was #10 and I missed it again in BR
Any interest in BRing an LR section on Sunday? @FindingSage @canihazJD
I try to take the weekends off, but if you get something set up, I'll try to make it!
I might be able to. My normal study group is working on older tests right now and since I am testing in January I am mostly working with the newer material. Alot of it is retakes at this point, so depending on which PT you want to do I may join.