PT4.S4.Q22 - Children find it difficult to explain what words mean

ang_whitlockang_whitlock Core Member
edited January 2021 in Logical Reasoning 42 karma

I understand why the answer was D, but need a good reason to keep me from picking an answer like A. in the future....I was going back and forth between A and D and selected A last minute.


  • nnnnnnzzzznnnnnnzzzz Member
    edited January 2021 177 karma

    When the words don't refer to something that can be touched or seen, children have a hard time explaining them. But they use these words to show the emotions they are experiencing. So, understanding a word doesn't depend on being able to explain it (Conclusion).

    Question type: PSA according to the core curriculum
    P: Words can't be touched or seen -> can't explain (A -> B
    P: Word can't be touched or seen -> express emotions currently experiencing. (A -> C)
    C: Understanding a word -> can't explain (D -> B

    Goal: Bridge the gap, find an AC that connects C -> D to complete the logical chain:

    Words can't be touched or seen (A) -> express emotions currently experiencing (C) -> understanding those words (C) -> Can't explain (B)

    Side note: PSA and not SA because there is a shift between "the words" referred in the premise to "a word" in the conclusion. Also, the question stem doesn't prompt us to find an AC that makes the argument valid. So the correct AC doesn't need to use exact words.

    AC A is wrong because it doesn't attempt to fix the gap, or in other words, irrelevant.

  • ang_whitlockang_whitlock Core Member
    42 karma

    got it. thanks!

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