PT1 S3 Q18 - Oil Reserves

nouran.sakrnouran.sakr Core Member
edited January 2021 in Logical Reasoning 7 karma

How is it E not A??


  • Ashley2018-1Ashley2018-1 Alum Member
    edited January 2021 2249 karma

    So there is an apparent discrepancy: how is it possible that the amount of extractable oil has remained the same and we haven't discovered any new oil fields and yet consumption of said oil has increased? E proposes a possible explanation for that discrepancy; there is just a lot more oil we can extract from existing fields due to technological advances so even if the amount of oil remains the same, we can now use more of it.
    The problem with A is that it introduces the concept of "imported oil" when we are only talking about domestic oil.

  • nouran.sakrnouran.sakr Core Member
    7 karma

    Thank you! :)

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