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Tactic for doing LR

BarbaraDBarbaraD Member
edited January 2021 in Logical Reasoning 90 karma

I usually don't make any notes or map things out on the LR section and I usually score between -5 and -7. Should I be mapping out every single question?
I see JY maps out every question, should I be doing the same?


  • CSieck3507CSieck3507 Member
    1376 karma

    JY only maps because he is trying to explain the logic and argument to make sure you understand what the argument is saying. He doesnt map during timed. I recommend maybe taking the approach of trying to translate the stimulus into your own words and really trying to focus on a Prephase before you get into the answer choices. But also, are the ones you are missing 4-5 star questions or are they easier questions? If they are the harder questions then you really have to work on understanding exactly what the stim says. Remember, your Prephase is everything. When you can Prephase 90% of the questions, I think you will see improvements. If you have anymore questions about my approach feel free to PM me!

  • Auntie2020Auntie2020 Member
    552 karma

    If you don't feel the need to map things out, then you probably shouldn't!

    If you're getting them wrong and if it might help to map it out then you should!

    Go over those wrong answers and remember why you got them incorrect, so you don't get them incorrect next time you see them again.

  • _iamnw96_iamnw96 Alum Member
    437 karma

    I wouldn't advise to map out every single one under timed conditions. The question types that truly warrant mapping are probably Must be trues/falses, Necessary/Sufficient Assumptions. But even then, depending on the difficulty, not all of those need to be mapped.

    I think mapping out every question during your drills or practice is a great study strategy. The more you map out, the better you get at doing these questions mentally and intuitively and the hope is that by the time test day comes, it'll have all sunk in.

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