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Quick Thank You to the Community Here

SufficientConditionSufficientCondition Alum Member
in General 311 karma

Hi all,

I joined this community last year and it was instrumental to my success on the LSAT. The discussion boards are very responsive and blow Reddit out of the water. I wanted to provide a brief update and volunteer advice to anyone who can make use of it. I got a 165 in October 2020 after studying pell-mell. After that, I completed the core curriculum systematically and started a Reading Comprehension study group with fellow students from the discussion boards.

Fortunately, that work paid off with a 172 a month later. I completed my personal statement, essays, and addenda over the next two months and submitted to twelve schools slightly before their official deadlines. Another member of my study group was able to get a 176 in November, but he's still waiting to get an acceptance from the T-14. It seems as though scoring high on the LSAT is more necessary than sufficient these days.

As many of you know, it's a remarkably competitive admissions cycle. Taking into account the margin of error, there are nearly twice the number of scores higher than mine this year compared to last year. And I believe the last two years may have already been setting records for volume of applicants to law school. So I'm waiting. I've decided to hang my shingle as a tutor while I wait to hear back. Another friend of mine was fortunate enough to get into Yale Law School with a 171, but he submitted early and has a nose for what admissions committees want to hear. I'm in New York and it's not quite safe to return to normal life yet.

Advice that I'm not sure you'll receive elsewhere is to find and form study groups. Even (and especially) if it feels like studying with others is onerous, there is a social reinforcement that really aids retention and skill-building. My other tip is to take it easy. The best athletes know that how you rest is as important as how you work! ; )

Feel free to reach out with any questions if you think I can help you!


  • VerdantZephyrVerdantZephyr Member
    2054 karma

    @HarcourtG I devoutly agree with everything you said here, and want to echo that BR groups or partners are the way to go. Don't force a group or partnership that isn't working, but much of my improvement was not due to herculean effort or perfect studying but due to gaining insight from my partners during our BR sessions.

    I also devoutly agree that the 7sage community is the by far the best. That happens because we form real connections and support each other. Good luck all!

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