PT11.S2.Q24 - Mayer Drabble

Burden.of.FloofBurden.of.Floof Core Member
edited March 2021 in Logical Reasoning 1050 karma

Would someone be able to help me out with this one? I didn't trust the correct AC from the beginning because I thought it was too much of a sufficient assumption. I know something can be both sufficient and necessary but this question just really got me.

Thanks in advance!


  • canihazJDcanihazJD Alum Member Sage
    8460 karma

    Lee wants job
    D owes Lee
    D repays her debts ASAP
    So she will appoint Lee

    Assumptions: appointment will repay debt, debt to lee is the only debt or it is prioritized over any others

    Answer A works... If D had an older debt that could be repaid with the appointment, Lee wouldn't get the job, since D repays debts asap. The appointment would go to the older debt.

    Try negating the other answers to see what they don't work. Good strategy to check your work for NA questions.

  • Burden.of.FloofBurden.of.Floof Core Member
    1050 karma

    @canihazJD Thanks! I always negate but it didn’t work out for me on this question. I think I de-emphasized/forgot about the repaying debts ASAP part... keeping that in mind A seems more obvious.
    I like how super simple your translation is... that’s something I need to work on.

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