PT5.S3.Q10 - The reforms to improve the quality of public education

edited April 2021 in General 50 karma

I have difficulty in this one. Looks like, I can only choose by elimination, as BCDE are not good. D is, however, may be related. However, A has mentioned something outside the scope of question. I am debating, as this is an assumption, I would be very hesitate to get A, as A assumes something not given.


  • Jordan JohnsonJordan Johnson Member
    686 karma

    @lovegamemakeslifefun What information do you consider out of scope about A? And why do you consider D to be in scope?

  • canihazJDcanihazJD Alum Member Sage
    edited April 2021 8486 karma

    @lovegamemakeslifefun I won't steal the opportunity to work on this question, but just saying "out of scope" usually mean's we're stopping short of fully articulating our understanding of the answer. At best, it limits our potential improvement, at worst, it can cause us to get the question wrong. Not to mention, simply "out of scope" is not always an AC killer... if we believe this then we probably could stand to refine our conceptual understanding of the different ways each qtype asks us to engage with the argument.

    @"Jordan Johnson" is pointing you in the right direction, and while I am just as guilty of this as anyone else, I wish more people didn't just come right out and provide a full explanation/answer to every #help post... the work is what helps you improve. Also thanks @lovegamemakeslifefun for not just being like "I don't get it. Someone explain."

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