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LSAT Retake (perhaps?)

Hi all,

Long time discussion thread reader, first time poster. Last July, as I prepared to enter my senior year of undergrad, I began preparing to take the LSAT in November. I was on track to take the test then but was briefly derailed by several COVID-related hurdles (an all too familiar refrain). I finally took the LSAT in February and scored a 170. This is a score with which I was happy (I had a 158 cold diagnostic so I was satisfied with the increase) but felt I could improve on. Before the February test, I was consistently PTing in the 170s and was shooting for a goal score of 173. Now, I'm less than a month from graduation and am trying to strategize the best course of action moving forward. I'm about to start my first real, adult job in June (a harrowing thought) and am trying to determine whether I should juggle a prep and work schedule to get those 3 additional points (most likely in August), or if I should cleanse my hands of the LSAT and let my applications settle as they will in the fall (for reference, I'm a non-URM/non-international applicant with a 3.8 GPA. I'll most likely apply to a handful of T-14s and really have my sights set on a school like Columbia or NYU).

If anyone has wisdom to dispense, I'm all ears. Additionally, if anyone is in a similar position (currently scoring upper 160s-low 170s, shooting for mid 170+) please shoot me a message so we can work out a study group situation. Thanks all for your time and help, and happy LSATting!

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