Harvard / Yale-esque question

Hey everyone,
I was wondering if anyone happens to know what the realistic possibilities of getting into Harvard or Yale with a 3.82 cGPA.

I attended a post secondary right out of high school for only a single semester, and posted a 3.54 gpa across 5 classes. Due to health issues that arose from malaria, I had to take a few years off.

I then applied to a more prominent university and essentially started my degree from block one. At this university I have a 3.93 over 4 years (3.9 on LSAC scale), so my L2 and L3 are 3.9, but cGPA is 3.82.

I am aiming for mid 170s on the LSAT, and have plenty of work experience (about 10 years worth) including multiple jobs, working all throughout my degree to support my large family, and running my own business for the last 6 years.

As strange as it is, there is film of me as a child saying my dream is to go to Harvard one day, and it truly would be a dream come true. My concern is that this unfortunate one semester that clearly drags on my GPA, will ruin my hopes. Does anyone here that tried applying, or has got in, have any advice or guidance for me? Anything is appreciated.

For LSAT: I had a 154 diagnostic 3 weeks ago, and only 30% through the CC I scored a 161 yesterday on PT80.


  • tahurrrrrtahurrrrr Member
    1106 karma

    I'm no expert, but sounds like as long as the rest of your application is solid, you can explain away that one semester with an addendum on your application.

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