PT13.S2.Q15 - i'm still having trouble with it. Idk why C is wrong

axbSunDevaxbSunDev Member
edited June 2021 in Logical Reasoning 256 karma

I have been going to different forums to understand this question and i'm still having trouble with it. Idk why C is wrong. Wrong timed and in BR. Thanks!

Admin note: edited title; please use the format of "PT#.S#.Q# - [brief description]"


  • Ashley2018-1Ashley2018-1 Alum Member
    2249 karma

    Even if C were true, it wouldn't explain why people who give up cigarette and take up pipes or cigars would have no reduction in risk to their health. It's strange because were were told one sentence ago that smoking pipes or cigars pose a distinctly lower risk to health than smoking cigarettes so wouldn't you expect the risk to health to decrease, even a little, once the switch was made? And C treats the cigarette smokers and pipe and cigar smokers as two exclusive groups while we are talking about cigarette smokers who cross over into pipe smoking and vice versa.

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