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What do you provide your LOR writer?

Hi all,

My professor is asking "what points will be helpful" for his LOR, but what would be important information to provide? My brain is not computing lol



  • 476 karma


    It'll be good to mention highlights from your time in their class such as grades, projects, and papers. It'll also good to mention character strong points as well as your progress throughout your academic career. It also doesn't necessarily have to include just your interaction with them. You can also send information about you extracurriculars, work positions, and academic honors. It'll be good to send you resume as well as a document with talking points mentioned above.

  • LawdreaminLawdreamin Member
    62 karma

    Thank you! I wasn't sure what would be the best to include as his class was well over a year ago - this is so helpful!

  • 476 karma

    No problem!

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