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Out of all the 7sage lessons, which one really hone in on LG, LR and RC strategies?

legallybrunette-7legallybrunette-7 Core Member
edited June 2021 in General 10 karma

I've fallen really really behind on my 7sage self studying due to summer jobs and classes. I'm planning on taking the lsat in early-mid fall. I've taken the lsat before last year, but wanting this time to be my last time.

Can you recommend what lessons really pay attention to for all 3 areas (LG, LR, RC)? If not all three, then at least LG. Because I'm so behind, I don't think it would be beneficial to my studying if I were to play catch up. Instead, I would like to focus on the lessons that really target those areas.

In addition to this, I'm planning on taking as many practice tests as possible. Someone wrote on here once they were taking 3 tests a day which I can only dream of doing, but planning on taking a test every other day.

Any other studying advice and tips would be appreciated! :)

Thank you in advance!

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