Trust the Process - 160 to 168 while working full-time

Dylan L ---Dylan L --- Member
edited July 2021 in General 36 karma

Hey guys I wanted to make this post for anyone who has doubts about their ability to reach a better score on the LSAT. This course has been incredibly helpful for me so if you’re reading this, just know it can be helpful for you too. But as with all things, you get what you put into it.

I last took the LSAT in the summer of 2018, then again in January 2019. Both times scoring a 160. At the time, I was finishing my senior year at the U of I, hopeful that I would be able to score well enough on the LSAT to offset a passable GPA. I figured that’d I’d hit my ceiling and took a break from thinking about law school. After scoring 160 twice, the LSAT became some scary obstacle that I couldn’t quite overcome, keeping me out of my dream school.

Anyways long-story short, I picked it back up again this January while being employed full-time as an environmental engineer. I worked 10 hour days, but still made time to study during my breaks (secretly) and every day after work. My first diagnostic test score was a 158, and I almost dropped the course altogether.

Instead, I stuck with it. I learned each concept in order and didn’t jump around or skip concepts that I assumed I understood. I stayed honest with practice tests, each time taking it all the way through without breaks and not giving myself extra time to fill in questions at the end. I focused on blind review, starting with figuring out the right answer myself before watching JY’s analysis and peering into the comments to learn from interpretations posted by fellow 7sagers. I found different strategies to attack each section and honed them to answer the questions under time constraint.

By the end of the course, and before the June LSAT, I was averaging a 166 cumulatively, with high scores around 173 (I got these scores on tests where I did everything right). When it came test day I scored a 168 and ran out of time on the last section of logic games. (PS - Make sure you draw your rules into your game board before jumping into the questions!!)

Anyways, I hope this helps to put aside any of your doubts about not being able to reach a better score, because you can. Best of luck to you all! If you have any questions or comments feel free to message me!


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