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Need Motivation

nataliennatalien Member
in General 7 karma

So I started off with a diagnostic of 133..rough. Just took another prep test for fun even though I haven't gotten to logic games yet or reading comp, and scored a 138. Seeing that score made me lose major motivation in even trying to go to law school. Any tips on what I can do from here on out to improve? I'm signed up for the October LSAT.


  • lemon_seltzerlemon_seltzer Member
    60 karma

    You need to learn the core curriculum for each section then master them. Start off with LG, then RC, then move on to LR. Only move on to the next section when you see yourself getting 75% correct on your current section.

  • nomomnomnomomnom Member
    412 karma

    Don't feel disheartened, the LSAT is very learnable. It will only kill your spirits and discourage you only if you let it. Every weakness or blind spot is an opportunity for growth and getting better at the test. I know a low diagnostic can be discouraging, but you are still very early in and still have lots to learn. Take your time with learning the CC and don't rush it, do the CC's problem sets. Foolproof the PT1-35 LG bundle, and continue foolproofing even when you start PTing and until you take the LSAT. Start PTing when you are comfortable with individual timed sections and have foolproofed PT1-35 LGs. Always blind review every PT to extract the most out of them and keep a wrong answer journal for each PT and timed section.

  • 103 karma

    dude the LSAT sucks ass. But I feel you. My diagnostic was a 143 and I just scored a 160. Get a good grasp of the foundational logic. I would start practicing LG --> LR --> RC. Logic games helps build an immensely strong foundation. I was in the same boat as you and it discouraged the hell outta me, but you gotta grind for things that are worth it. Just keep going and make sure you know why you got answers right or wrong! good luck

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